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Unemployment, underemployment lay off, pink slip, FIRED?

Dealing with these can be tough but American Job Journey is here to help you get better at the job search. You've got your resume in hand, career plan laid out, but no call backs or interviews. It's time to change that!


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Job Seeker,

So you submitted countless resumes, completed countless job applications and looked at enough job postings to last a lifetime. The only problem is that you are still looking.

“Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”  Insanity Defined

Here is where your story changes. One day you sent 20 applications online and six months later you’re still looking, the positions have been filled and you’re tired of the same old thing.


WELL… I have news for you...

                     SOMEONE IS HIRING!!

More importantly, I am here to tell you how to get them to HIRE YOU!!!

In just a few short minutes, we can turn your resume into a  dynamic representation of your skills and teach you how to think like a hiring manager.

80% of the applicants for any one job barely qualify and only 5% of the remaining applicants can articulate their skills.


●    Learn how to find the right job for you

●    Learn how to structure your resume

●    Know who knows who you don’t know

●    Learn to NEVER copy and paste again while saving    time

●    Learn to be ready for the next opportunity that is presented

●    ... and learn how to get the higher job offer!

to Services


Buy The Book

coming soon!!!

Get the book on your shelf and use it often. It will require YOU to act and do the things that move you into your passion, AND you get paid for them.

Podcast Guests


Coordinate in with our certified Journey Participants. Host a podcast and help grow the community around you. This is designed to help everyone discuss individual progress.

Host a Conference 

Live and in person. Only a few people will experience this in their lifetime. HOW TO GET BETTER at the job search.

American Job Journey!

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Begin your journey.
Tell your story!


© 2018 byThe American Job Journey.

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